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BERKELEY CALIFORNIA a:an walter|k:an (walter) (4)
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STAACS, Walter
No Author available
BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA), University of California. Univereity of California publications. English Studies. [Continued.] P,s e. 32. McKENZIE (Gordon). The Literary character of Walter Pater. 1967. r 33. ROLLE (Richard), of Ifampole. [Liber de Amore Dei ç. c-’1 Contra Ainatorea Mundi. - Latin and English.) q The Contra antatores mundi of Richard Rolle of Hampole. Edited, with introductiàn and trans— lation, by P.F. Theiner. 1968. 34. VEEDER (William R.) W.B.Yeata: the rhetoric of Yb-?.’,. repetition. 1968. 3. ALDERSON (Wifliain L.) and Hf2DERS0N (Arnold c.) Chaucer and At’‘“-‘1arship. 1970. ESEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 198
Author: STAACS (Walter)
- STAACS (Walter). The Theater of Louis—Benolt Picard. berke1 and Lo Ang1es, 1952. BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of Cal ifornia University of California publications in modern phi’o].ogy. Vol. 28. No. 7.
Card ID: 202
Author: No Author available
L - PICPR.D (touis Benolt). See BEBKELY (CALIFORNIA). UnIversity of Californi a. University of California publications in modern philology. Vol. 28. No. 7. STAAKS (Walter). The Theater of Louls—Benolt Picard. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1952.
Card ID: 78
d° fHsJ EAi? (Walter Morris). Five Gayley lectures, 1947—1954. [Byl W.M.Hart land others].. .Published. . .by the Department of English at the University of California in Berkeley. )3erkely and Los 1954. See BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of Cali fo mi a. partrn ent of English.
Card ID: 266