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BELSHAM William it (william) (2)



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    Author: BELSHAM (William)


    ZZ7Lf BELSHAM (William). Essays, philosophical and moral, historical and literary, 2 vols. 0 8 . London, 1799.

    Card ID: 263

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    Author: BELSHAM (William)


    is-b i—23 BELSHAM (William)-.. Memoirs of the reign oi George III,. 10 ‘iols. 8°. London, 1801—24. 1—4.. To the session of Parliament ending A.Dl793. Fifth edition. i8oi. 5—6. To the conimnenceinent of the year 1799. i8oi. 7—8. To the Peace of .Aniiens. Sixth edition. 1805. [9—10To the termination of the Regency, PD. 1820. 1824. vo:!,unles have additional title - pages, on v:hich they a_describd as History of Great Britain,, voi5. 13 anjA.

    Card ID: 264