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BELOE Edward Milligen beloe (edward milligen) (2)
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BELOE, Edward Milligen
BSLOE, Edward Milligen
Author: BELOE (Edward Milligen)
BELOE (Edward Milligen), - , MUIFOD (Nicholas). Fragmenta poetica, i6o. {eproduced in facsimile.) (Greenland Fishery Museum reprint, with notes by E.M. Beloe..) ing’s Lynn, [1914].
Card ID: 210
Author: BSLOE (Edward Milligen)
BSLOE (Edward Milligen), the Younger. A Series of photolithographs of riionucuental brasses and niatrices of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries...m the counLy of Norfolk, those now lost from reversed impressions of C. Ord...and those now existing from rubbings by EM. Beloe, etc. 3 parts in 1 vol. fol. King’s l4ynn, 1690—91.
Card ID: 208