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BELL Robert a:on john|k:to (john) (6)
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BELL, Robert
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Author: BELL (Robert)
BELL (Robert), Author of uThe Life of Cannirg.” oLrn& (j.) PGetioal works of John Oldham. Edited by R.Bell. London, 1854.
Card ID: 219
Malcolm Morley Collection BELL (Robert), Author of “The Life of C.nnin. 14arriae: a comedy in five acts. [i 884.) DICKS (John). Dioks’ Standard Plays, 595.
Card ID: 211
Author: No Author available
BELL çcharles Francis) and. GITIN (Thomas). The Drawings and sketches of John Robert Cozens: a catalogue with an historical introduot,ion. Se LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Instdtutions, Societies, ete] Walpole Societ.y. [Publications.) The Twerit.y—t.hird volume, et1c. pp. 87. Plates. Oxford, 1935.
Card ID: 582
1fLc-P jCor— LONDON. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Catalogue of a collection of drawings by John Robert Cozens, with some decorative furniture and other objects of art. [With an introduction signed C. F. 13., i.e. C.F. Bell.] pp. 57 + 40 plates. (E.D.M.T1.] 0 4 • London printed, 1922.
Card ID: 228
•- Cj! •.‘ BELL (John),. of Anterbvonp. ..J-%AL..t Travels ‘rrorn:St. Petersburg in Russia to diverse parts of Asia, ‘etc. (Journal or. [ J. Bell].) .2 vols. Nap. (,[ 4°.Robert ‘and Andrew FouIts:Glasgow,1733. VoJ..1,.A journey to ispahan.ic PersiaAn the ycars 1715,2’71S,i717 and jflS; Part.ot.a journey to Ohna through Sibcrie.inthe years 1’719,1920 and 1721. Vol.2, The oontinuetioo of thejourney between’ Moscoand Pekin, to which ii added a translation of thojournal of Mr. de l,aage, resident at the court of Pekin, in the years i’721’& 1922; A journey from I4osoo to Derbent:in Persia, in the year 1722; A journey free St. Petersburg to Constantinople,in the years 1’787. and 17. Thie.ia the first oditionof this work, the value of.whioh was enhanced by the fount of type used by the printersinits produotion.
Card ID: 155
GLASGOW University of Glasw. Deprtnrit of.. Soois].and Economic Research. Occasional papers. [Volumes in this series are separately catalogued under the authors.) 1. BAIRD (Robert), M.A. • LL.B. The Effects upon rate poundages of the ownership and occupation of rateable property 1 - by local authorities in Scotland and England. 11949.) 2. BELL (Joseph Denis Milburn). Industrial unioniam: a critical analysis. [1949]. 4. BELL (Joseph Denis Milburn). The Strength of trade unionism - 0 in Scotland. 1950, TtL aspects of the industriel(P.C..l) nalysis of tie industrial rsons in Scotland, parts Land and Wales in 1947. 1951. C7? y’yri 3. HIGHET (John). broadcasting. Scotland on the air: aspects of Scottish 1949. 5. LESER (Conrad Emanuel Victor). Some structure of Scotland: distribution of insured of Scotland and region
Card ID: 469