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BELL John a:in sir john|k:are (john) (11)



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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Eel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s theatre, etc. [Continued.] 15. Th Constant couple, by Mr. Farquhar. Sir Harry Wildair, by Hr. Farquhar. The Confederacy, by Sir J. Vanbrugh. The Rehearsal, by the D. of Buckingharn. The Chance8, by the D. of Buckinghazn. 1777. [SEE NEXT an.]

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: BELL (John)


    YBL Bel Reference only BELL (John), Bookseller. 19. Volpone, altered froii Ben Jonson. Conntry lasses, by Mr. C. John8on. Mistake, by Sir John Varibrugh. ‘Gamesters, as altered from Shirley. The Lady’s last stake, by C. Cibber. 1778. 20. Elvira, by Mr. Mallets Boadicia, by Mr. Glover. Creusa, by W. Whitehead, Esq. Douglas, by Hr. Hume. Roman father, by W. hitehead, Esq. 1 ‘778.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: COIDLIPF (John Bell)


    K8 BUC Con COIDLIPF (John Bell). Te Rangi Hiroa: the life of Sir Peter Buck. pp. 311. Plates and endpaper maps. Chris tchurch, New Zealand, 1971.

    Card ID: 572

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    Author: VANBRUGH (Sir John)


    Bel Reference only VANBRUGH (Sir John). The Relapse; or, Virtue in dangers a comedy... Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. Regulated from the prompt-book... by Mr ‘wild, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. 102. Frontis. London, 1777. Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre1 11. [Another copy.] Malcolm orley Collection

    Card ID: 549

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    Author: RUGII (Sir John)


    !BL Bel fleference only ‘JAN!3RUGII (Sir John). The Mistake: a comedy...Diotinguishing also the variations of the theatre, a performed at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane • Regulated from the Kr. Hopkins, prompter. (Bells Edition.) pp. 55. Frontipiee. Loncion, 1778. Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 19.

    Card ID: 521

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    Author: BL (John)


    YBL Bel - eference only BL (John), Bookseller. Bell’s British theatre, etc. [Continued.] 1. Zara, by Aaron Hill, Esq. Venice preserved, by Mr. T. Otway. Jane Shore, by N. Rowe, Eaq. Siege of Daiascua, by Mr. Hughes. Distressed nother, by Mr. A. Philips. 1776. 2 The Provok’d wife, by Sir J. Vanbrui. Every man in his humour, by Ben Jonson. The Beaux stratagem, by G. Farquhar, Esq. The Old batchelor, by W. Congreve, Esq. The Comriittee, by Sir. R. Itoward. 1777. [SES NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 136

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    Author: BELOR (Sir Edward)


    - t2iec1rD BELOR (Sir Edward). The Iast of the Arctic voyages: being a narrative of the expedition in H.M.S. search of Sir John Franklin, during the years l852--54. With notes on the natural history by Sir J. Riohardson, Prof. Owen, T. Bell, J.7. Salter and L. Reeve. 2 vols. Tables, diagrams and coloured plates. [LI.] 8. London, 1855.

    Card ID: 495

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    Author: CORINA (Meurice)


    TY TES Cor CORINA (Meurice). Pile it high, Bell it cheap: the authorised biograp1y oT Sir John Cohen, sounder of Tesco. pp. x, 201i. Plates. London, 1971.

    Card ID: 558

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    Author: No Author available


    YBL Bel Reference only. VANBRLTGh (Sir John). [The Confederacy.] The City wives confederacy: a comcdy...Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre oya1 in Drury Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book. . .by Mr. Hopkins, prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. 77. Frontispiece. London, 1777. Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 15. [Another copy.) Malcolm Morley Imperfect; wanting the frontispiece ann pp. 1—12. Collection 107( Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, Vol. 15.

    Card ID: 511

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    Author: No Author available


    LOIDOi4. rLtish-Academ, eç Sir John B1ys memorial lectures. [1?rc,in 1953 onwards lectures in this series are 1u11y catalogued under the authors.] L 1953. BELL (s,j Harold I.) The Welsh literary renascence of the twentieth century. l54. 195i4.. DANIEL (Glyn E.) Who are the Welsh? [2.955). SEE NEXT CARD.j

    Card ID: 222

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    Author: No Author available


    YL67 Pla 17 Reference only vAr1uan (Sir John) The Provolc’d wife: a comedy...Aa performed at the Theatre— Royal in Drury—Lane. Regulated from the pronpt—book, by permi6sion of the managers, by Hr Eopkius, Proftipter. (Bell’e Edition.) pp. 58 [i.e. 84]. London, 1776. Bound in a volume lettered: Playe XVfl.

    Card ID: 539