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BECKER Howard Paul a:a paul|k:will (paul) (4)
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BECKER, Howard Paul
BECKER, Howard’Paul
BECKER, Howara Paul and BAN, Harry Elmer
B(BNES, Harry Elmer
Author: BECKER (Howard Paul)
BECKER (Howard Paul). See WIZSE (I,. von). Sy5tematic sociology. . .Adapted and amplified by H. Becker New York and London, 1932.
Card ID: 169
Author: BECKER (Howard’Paul)
pOS1TOR’ BECKER (Howard’Paul). GCrLian youth: bond or free. Iwith a bibliography.] (international jbrary of Sociology an_cial Reconstruction.) pp. xiii. + 286. illustrations. 0 8 . London, 1946.
Card ID: 168
Author: BECKER (Howara Paul) and BAN (Harry Elmer)
iFOS’rcmy BECKER (Howara Paul) and BAN (Harry Elmer). Social thought from lore to science. r Howard Becker and Harry Elmer rnes, with the asiatance of ai1e BenoIt—SnniJJ.yan and cthers (Third edition.) With an introductory note by 4rle Curti. ..1960 adnc1a for ail chapters, a terminologlcal conznentary., a 1937-2960 appendix on contemporary sociology, 1960 bibliographies, notes and subject indexes • 3 voig. tew York, 1.961,
Card ID: 170
Author: B(BNES (Harry Elmer)
JOS1TO B(BNES (Harry Elmer). See BECR (Howard Paul) and BA1S (harry Elmer). Social thought from lore to science. - Howard Becker and Harry Elmer Inies, with the assistance of’ rni1e Beno!t—SmuJ.1yn and others. (Third edition.) With an Introductory note by rle Curti. . .1960 addenda for all chapters, a termnological comentary, a 1937-1960 appendix on contemporary sociology, 1960 bIbliographies, notes and subject Indexes. New York, 1961,,
Card ID: 56