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BEAUVALLET Pierre Nicolas a:on pierre|k:0522 (1)
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BEAUVALLET, Pierre Nicolas
Author: BEAUVALLET (Pierre Nicolas)
cç \ç BEAUVALLET (Pierre Nicolas). Fragmens d’arcthitecture, sculpture et peinture, dana le style antique...gravés, composes, ou recueilhis par P.N.Beauvallet. [With an introductory essay by F.E.Joubert, entitled “De l’origine des arts et do la d6coration considCrCe sous un point de vue general”.] 2 parts. fol. Paris, an XII, 1804. 90 tlates, irjc1udn the engraved titlepags and dedication. No more oublished in this edition. The intio.ductQIy essay is bound at the end. of the volume, but js titleogge reedea th€ lates.
Card ID: 394