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BEAUMONT Francis and FLETCHER John a:beaumont francis and fletcher john|k:to (john) (13)



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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    OAk1 BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist. The Chances: a coedy. [Altered from Beaumont And F1etchr] bD.Garrick. Marked with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre—Royal in Drury—Lane. Londofl, 1777. See ENGLISH THEATRE. The New English theatre, . Vol. 1:1.

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    C Lc( BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John) Dramatist. - [The Chances.] The Chances: a comedy, in five acts. Altered from Beaumont And Fletcher, by David Garrck. LONDON STAGE. - The London stage, Vol. 4. ondon, [1824—27].

    Card ID: 249

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist. [The Honest Mants Fortune.] [For UThe honest mans fortune!? at one time attributed to Beaumont And Fletcher:] See !iAN.

    Card ID: 260

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Drrnatis. A King And no King. KELTIE (j John S.) The Works of the British dramatists, . pp. 264—291. 8°. London And Edinburgh, 1875. —Li reprint.] L€L 8°. Edinburgh, 1894.

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John). The Knight of the burning. pet1e. WHEELER (c.B.) Six plays by contemporaries of Shakespeare,. pp. 203—295. Oxfrd,. 1929.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    \11 BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John). [The Knight of the Burning Pestle.-English And French. I La Chevalier de l’ardent pilon. The knight of the burning pestle...[Edited And translated byj M.T. Jones—Davies. [Complementary thesis: University of Paris. With a bibliography.] pp. 374-. Facsimiles. 8°. Paris, [1958).

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    4 BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist. [The Maid’s Tragedy.] The Maides as it hath been divers times acted at the Black—Priers by the Kings Majesties Servants...The fourth edition, revised end refined. pp. (84). 4°. Printed by E.GrriffiJ for Henry Shepherd lLondon], 1 638 Iperfect wanting leaves Al And Hi to 13, which ha’e been supplied in photostat facsimile.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    o1c) i”c L2e%CL O’%i BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist. [The !!aid Tragedy.j The Maids tragedie, as it hath beene divers times acted at the B1ack—Fiers, by the Kings Majesties servants, ,.The fifth impression, revised And refined. pp. (8o). 4 London, 1641. ect wanting the last two 1eave, which have been su1ied jicrofilm. CroDoeO4. - V Bound. in a volume lett@red: Plays. I.

    Card ID: 274

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John). Ph.ilaster. See WHEELER (C.B) Six plays by contemporaries of Shakespeare,. .. pp. 297—391. Oxford, 19.29.

    Card ID: 291

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John). (The Royal Merchant.] supra: [The Beggar’s Bush.]

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist, Rule a -wire And have a wife: a cozned. Written by Beaumont And Fletcher [or rather by Fletcher alone). Marked with the variations in the manager’s book, at the Theatre—Roy]. in Drury—Lane. London, 1776. See ENO LI SE THEATRE. The New Eng-lish theatre, Vol. 3.

    Card ID: 295

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    Author: BEAUMONT (Francis) and FLETCHER (John)


    ‘ i BEAUMONT (Francis) And Fletcher (John), Dramatist. Rule a wife And have a wife: a omedy. By Bésimont And Fletcher [or rather by Fletcher alonel. Adapted for the.trical representation, as performed at the Theatres—Royal, Drury—Lane And Covent—Garden, pp. 101 + (1). Plates. 12. London, 1791. sound in a volume lettered: British Theatre.

    Card ID: 296