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BEAN Robin a:a peter henry|k:is (peter) (5)



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    Author: BEAN (Robin)


    OLI Whi BEAN (Robin). See WHITEHEAD (Peter), Film Director, and BEAN (Rcin). Olivier - Shakespeare. (octupiled by Peter Whitehead & Robin Dean.) [Introductory text in Eiglish, French and Genan. With a list of Olivier’s films and illustrations frau the films of ‘As you like it’, ‘Henry V’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Richard III’, and Othello.) London, 1966.

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: EAD (Peter), Film Direetoi, and BEAN (Robin)


    OLI Whi WHITETfEAD (Peter), Film Direetoi, and BEAN (Robin). Olivier - Shakespeare. (Compiled by Peter Whitehead & Robin Bean.) [Introductory text. in &glish, French and Gernn. With a list of Olivier’s fi]ms and illustrations from the films of ‘As you like it’, ‘Henry V’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Richard III’, and Othello.] pp.LiO. London, 1966.

    Card ID: 355

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    Author: EAD (Peter)


    0It Whi WHITEiEAD (Peter), F1.lin Director, and BEAN (Robin). Olivier - Shokespeare. (Coupiled by Peter Whitehea & RQbin Bean.) !Introductory text in g1i6h, French and Gernin. With a list of Olivier’s fi]ms and iUustrations from the films of ‘A you like it’, ‘lfenry V’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Richard Ill’, and Othello.] pp.1i0. London, 1966.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: OLIVIER (Laurence Kerr)


    YXk OLt Wh i OLIVIER (Laurence Kerr), Baron Olivier. See ‘IHITEIIEAD (Peter), ?ilm Director, and BEAN (Robin). Olivier - Skespeare. (Compiled by Peter Whitehead & Robin Bean.) [Introductory text in English, French end German. With a list of Olivier’s fi1m and illustrations from the fiims of ‘As you like it’, ‘Henry V’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘RicIsrd III’, and Othello.] London, 1966.

    Card ID: 445

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    Author: No Author available


    YX4. OLI Whi SHtKESPEARE (WiU.iam). (Appendix. - Miscellaneous.] See WHITEHEAD (Peter), Film Director, and BEAN (Robin). Olivier - Shakespeare. (Compiled by Peter Whitehead & Robin Bean.) [Introductory text in Eglish, renc]v and. Gerian. With a liet of Olivier’ e fume and iliustrations from the films of you like it’, ‘Henry V’, Hamlet1, ‘Richard III’, and Otheilo.] London, 1966.

    Card ID: 512