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BEA Augustin a:bea augustin|k:0062 (6)
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BEA, Augustin
Author: BEA (Augustin)
PoU Her BEA (Augustin), Cardinal. The Charles Chauncey Stillinan Lectures on the unity of Christians. See CAMBRILGE (MAssACHusETts). Harvard University. Roman Catholic-protestant Colloquium. Ecumenical - dialogue at Harvard. . .Edited by S .H.Miller and G.E.Wright. pp. 3-67. Cambridge, Mass , 19614.
Card ID: 86
PEA5 Vat 2 Bea BEA (Augustin), Cardinal. The Church and the Jewish people: a ccinmentary on the Second Vatican Cowicil’s Declaration on the relation of the Church to non-Christian religions. . .Translated by Philip Loretz. pp.172. New York, 1966.
Card ID: 87
PoU Be a BEA (Augustin), Cardinal. Ecumenism in focus. pp. 311. London, 1969.
Card ID: 88
POLJ BEA (Augustin), Cardina. The Unity of Cbristian8. Lwritings and speeches. translated into English.] Edited by B. Leeming. Introduction by Archbisbop G.P. WBara. pp. 231. 8. London, 1963.
Card ID: 91
PoU Bea BEA (Augustin), Cardinal. The Way to unity after the Council. (Translation by GiNoel.) (Deacon Books.) pp. 256. 8°. London, 1967.
Card ID: 92
ffiA1 B351 Buc BEA (Augustin), Cardinal. See BtJC1UM1ER (Maria). Augustin Irdinal Bea, Wegbereiter der Eiztheit: Gestalt, Weg mid Wirken in Wofl, Bud mid Dokument sue Zeuiissen von Mitarbeitern mid Weggenossen. Veröffentlicht miter dem Protektorat von Lorenz Kardinal Jaeger. (Bearbeitet mid herauagegeben von Maria Buchzui ulier miter Mitarbeit von Marietta Held mid Friedrich Bucbinüiler.) Augsburg, 1972.
Card ID: 95