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BASSETT, John Spencer
Author: BASSETT (John Spencer)
c((3 BASSETT (John Spencer). Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina. timore, 1898. See BALTIMORE. Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins University sftidies in historca1 and o1itical science. Series i6. No. 5.
Card ID: 170
3j 33 iit BASSETT (John Spencer). ?kers cr a new nation. (rie Pageant of Azriea. Independence Edition. Vol.9.) pp. 31il. Portraits, i11u&tratios, facsimiles and maps. 8°. Icw Haven, 1928. [Another copy.]
Card ID: 171
BASSETT (John Spencer) A Short history of the Unitea. States. {With bib1iogr.phies.J pp.xv. + 885. Iiajs. 80. Mew York 1920.
Card ID: 173