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BARTHA Dnes bartha (dnes) (2)



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    Author: BARTHA (Dnes)


    BARTHA (Dnes). § KODktY (Zo1txi). [Appendix.) Emlékkönyv Kod1y Zoltdn 70. születês— Dapjara. Szerkesztette Szabolcsi Bence és Bartha D4nes. Budapest, 1953.

    Card ID: 354

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    Author: No Author available


    fXl 7?o. ___ BARTHA (Dnes) and SOMFAI (I,szlcS). Haydn ale Opernkapellmeister: die Haydn— Dokv.Elente der Esterhzy—0pernsamm1ung. Bearbeitet von D. Bartha und L. Sonfai. IWith a bibliography.) 2 vole. Plate, facsimiles, folded plates and tables4 ftj. Budapest and Mainz, 1960. No. 139 of the first edition. Vol. 2 is a score of the Scena di Pedrillo’ by ydn and contains a ramophone recoxI of this in pocket inside back cover.

    Card ID: 356