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BARTAS Guillaurne de a:j e|k:e (or) (3)



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    Author: BARTAS (Guillaurne de)


    CS) -L L-E (S”j •;r • SALUSTE flu BARTAS (Guillaurne de). Bartas his deuine weekes, etc. [Continued.] [Another issue of the first part.] [D.—L.L.] 4°.CPrintedjy flumfrey Lownes: London 1505]: In this issue the woodcut of the Roy1 arms on Bi recto differs from that in the DrevrDus is sue. Im_perfect; vianpg,_.2 and A82 also two addItional 1eves, the first of which Is signed A6. which follow B4 in the other issue,. and Nn6. The titie—page has been cut down and mounted. With ms. note

    Card ID: 314

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    Author: BARTAS (Guillaurne de)


    SALUSTE IJU BARTAS (Guillaurne de). Dii Bartas his diuirie weekes and workes, . —, —I [Continued. J . -.i-__j C5’ [Another copy.] [D.—L.L.) . rrect; wntingpp. -82—284 2 1—294 459—40 , 5957O, 1—211—61-2, 627- 3Q, 63638, .647-648, 653—657, and the plate between 6o—6i. The tjt1epa has been cut down and mounted. The first ],.eaf. has been mutilated and repaired. [s NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: BARTAS (Guillaurne de)


    J SALTJSTE flu BARTAS (Guillaurne de). See CREORE (Alvin B.) The Language of Du Bartas, eto. Seattle, 1940.

    Card ID: 329