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BARRY James a:an james|k:0847 (4)



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    Author: BARRY (James)


    BARRY (James), . >i Lectures on painting. By the Royal Academicians, Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Edited, with an introduction and notes critical and illustrative, by R.N.Wornum. pp. iv. + 567. Portrait. 8°. London, 1848. Part of “Bhn’s Scientific. Library”.

    Card ID: 153

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    Author: BARRY (James)


    26 ci BARRY (James), A Letter to the Dilettanti society, respecting the obtention of cettain matters essentially necessary for the improvement of public taste., arid for accoñiplishing the original views of the Royal Academy of Great—Britain ...The second edition. With an appendix, respecting the matters lately agitated beteen the Academy and the professor of painting. pp. 292. 8. IndQ.n, 1799.

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: BARRY (James)


    BARRY (James) R.A Rc,fererc orL The Works of James Barry...His correspondence from Prance end Italy with !r. Burke, his lectures on paintings etc. Now first published from manuscripts, and illustrated by engravings from sketches left by the author, wad hi enquiry into the causes which have obstructed the progress of the fine arts in England....To which is prefixed some account of the life and writings of the author. 2 vols. Portrait. [L.i.J 4°. London, 1809.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: RZOG (James Barry Munnik)


    QVL3V li? pJ RZOG (James Barry Munnik). See PIRO?! (OBwald). James Barry Munni Hertzog, etc. London [Parow printed, 1958]

    Card ID: 71