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BARRY Frederick a:barry frederick|k:0056 (2)
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BARRY, Frederick
BARRY, Frederick William
Author: BARRY (Frederick)
B38 Pas BARRY (Frederick). See PASC.41. (Blaise). [Traitez de lEqui1ibre des Liqueurs et de la Pesanteur de la Masse de l’Air.— English.] The Physical treatises of Pascal. The equilibrium of liquids and the weight of the mass of the air. translated by I.B.B. and A.(.H. Spiers Efz’om the edition of F. Prier, together with the fragments and experimental records published by his]. With introduction and notes by Frederick Barry. (With translations of excerpts from the sentioned writings of Stevin, Galileo and Torricelli.) New York, 1937.
Card ID: 143
Author: BARRY (Frederick William)
BARRY (Frederick William). D>OsIToRy Memorandum on certuin methods in use for the sterilization of the exit air from the wards of smil-pox hospitals. Prepared by Dr.F.W. Barry. October 193. London, 1894. See ENGLAND. Depaitments of Stare and Official Bodies. L.ocai Goverrueiit Board. Medical Depr tment.
Card ID: 144