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BARROW Sir John to (john) (6)
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BARROW, Sir John
EVANS, Sir John
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Author: BARROW (Sir John)
L9e BAR lao BARROW (Sir John), Bart. See LLOYD (Christopher). Mr.Barrowof the Admiralty: a life of Sir John Barrow l764_l8Z48. London, 1970.
Card ID: 97
Author: EVANS (Sir John)
C ‘?r EVANS (Sir John), K. C. B. On the exploration of a barrow at Youngsbury, near Ware, Herts, eto. (From The Aroho1ogia, Vol. LII.) pp. (2) -i 10. Plate. 0 4 . westminster, 1890.
Card ID: 40
Author: GREENWOOD (John)
GREENWOOD (John), Puritan. The Writings of John Greenwood, 1587—1590. Together with the joint writings of Henry Barrow and John Greenwood, 1587—1590. Edited by L.H.Carluon. (Sir Halley Stewart Trust Publications. Elizabethan Nonconform ist Texts, 4.) pp. (10) + 344. 8° London, 1962. 1591-1593. Edited by I.. H. Carleon. (Sir Ialley Stewart Trust Publications. Elizabethan Nonconformist Texts, 6.) pp. xiv, 516.Bibl. London, 1970.
Card ID: 410
Author: No Author available
.-. 7_a• 1 BARROW (Sir John ), Bart. Some acooimt of the public life, and a Belection from the unpublished writings of the Earl of Macartney, etc. 2 vols. IL. I.] 4°. London, printed, 1807.
Card ID: 96
btoLc.rJ BARROW (Sir John), Bart. An Account of travels into the interior of southern Africa, in the years t797 and’1798: including cursory observations on the geology and geography of the southern part of that continent; the natural history of such objects as occurred in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms; and sketches of the physical and moral characters of the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement or the Cape of Good aope. To which is annexed, a description of the present state, population and produce of that extensive colony, etc. - 2 vols. Folded maps and folded olates. [G.G.j 40 London, 1801 — 04.
Card ID: 94
Ei. [I%Ct.c- j !CCLVRE (Sir Robert John Le Mesurier). The Discovery of the North—West Passage by H.M.3. “Investigator”, Capt. R. WC1ure, l8O...1854. Edited by S. Osborn...from the logs and journaas of Capt. R. Le 14. WClure. Illustrated by...S. Gurney Cresawell. (Appendix.— Narrative of Commander Maguire, wintering at Point Barrow.) pp. dx. + 405. . [L.I.J 80. London, 1856.
Card ID: 159