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BARRINGTON James barrington (james) (8)
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BARRINGTON, Ernest James William
HURST, Sir Cecil James Barrington
GOW, James
LEVER, Charles James
No Author available
Author: BARRINGTON (James)
0J BARRINGTON (James), M.P., of Christ Church,’Oxford. The Case of the University of Oxford, shewing that the City’ is not concerntd to oppose the confirmation of their charters by Parliament. Presented to the honourable House of Commons on Friday, Jan. 24, 1689/90. See OXFORD. University [Appendix.) A Defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford, pp. 35—54. 1690.
Card ID: 444
Author: BARRINGTON (Ernest James William)
PS [V — Zoological] BARRINGTON (Ernest James William) and JEfl”ERIES (R.P.S.) Protochordates. The Proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological Society of London on 17 and i8 January, 1974. Edited by E.J.W. Barrington and R.P.S. Jeff eries. London and New York, 1975. See LONDON. [III.) Zoological Society of London. Symposia of the Zoological Society of london, 36.
Card ID: 576
Author: HURST (Sir Cecil James Barrington)
IiPOS[TOR’6 - HURST (Sir Cecil James Barrington). The Pernianent Court of International Ju3tioe: a reading delivered before the Honourable Society of the Middle Teinple...Beprinted from The Solicitors’ rournal”. pp. 18. 8. London, 1931.
Card ID: 397
Author: BARRINGTON (k!• Dames)
c BARRINGTON (k!• Dames). Observations on the more ancient statutes from Magna Charta to the twenty—first of James I., cap. xxvii. With an appendix, being a proposal for new modelling the statutes.,.Third edition, with...additions. pp. xii. + i6. [G. G.) 4 London, 1769. -1 Fifth edition. pp. xii. -t- 578. Portrait. [L. I.] 4. London, 1796.
Card ID: 573
Author: GOW (James)
OSTG GOW (James). James Gow...Selected addresses. With a foreword by the Bishop of Ripon and a short memoir by R.M. Barrington—Ward. pp. lv. + (1) + 192. prtrait. 0 8 . ndon, 1924.
Card ID: 542
Author: LEVER (Charles James)
C-\ LEVER (Charles James). Barrington...With...illustrations by H. K. Browne. New edition. pp. (2) + vi. + 411. 0 8 . Londofl, 1872. With a seccrd, enraved titlepage.
Card ID: 176
Author: No Author available
oc;j1 C3. WARD (Robert M’Gowan Barrington—). GOW (Janies). James Gow.. .Selected addresses.. .With... a short memoir by R.h1.Barrington—Ward. London, 1924.
Card ID: 491
DEEPOSITORV LUND. Kungligt Bumaiii stika Vetenskap ssajnfundet. Skrifter. 17. LESUEUR (Th&dore). A French draft.constitution of 1792 modelled on James Barrington’s Oceana...Id4es sur ltespce de gouvernement populaire qui pourroit convenir a un pays de 1’tendue et de la population prsuzne de la France. Edited with an introduction on flarrington’s influence in France, and nàtes by S.B.Iiljegren. [With a biblioiranhy.) pp. 18o. 8°. Lund, 1932.
Card ID: 235