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BARRETT William a:barrett william|k:0055 (7)
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BARRETT, William
BARRETT, sir James William
BARRETT, Sir James William
BARRETT, William Alexander
BARRETT, William Edward Durant
BARRETT, Sir William Fetoher
FRANKLAND, William Barrett
Author: BARRETT (William)
BARRETT (William), jargeon. The kiistory and antiquities ol’ the city of Bristol, compiled from original and authentic manuscripts pp. xix. + 704. Plates and [S.R.j 4. Bristol, [1789]. This work contains the Rowley joems, hich were w Dublished for the first time.
Card ID: 430
Author: BARRETT (sir James William)
DEPOSiTORY BARRETT (sir James William), K. B. E. The Twin ideals: an educated commonweo.lth. [Essays on Australian affairs.J 2 vols. !iaps, charts and tables. o 8 . London, 1918.
Card ID: 398
Author: BARRETT (Sir James William)
DE?QSTORl BARRETT (Sir James William) , K. B. E. A Vision of the possible: ihat tile R.A.M.C. might become. An aooount of some o the rnedioal work in Egypt; together vrlth a contrnctive criticism of the R.A.M.C. pp. . + 182. Plates and folded maps. 8°. London, 1919.
Card ID: 399
Author: BARRETT (William Alexander)
tEOSTcI BARRETT (William Alexander). The Chorister’s guide. pp. x. + 126 [E.c.J i6°. London, 1873.. -
Card ID: 432
Author: BARRETT (William Edward Durant)
BARRETT (William Edward Durant). [Contribution to the study of the life and work of Stéphane Servant. With a summary in English of Servant’s unfinished works, !TTrajté de la science harrnonique” and “Treité de 1 ‘art poétique”, and a transcription of the French manuscript of the latter. I 0 4. pewritten. An unfinished thesis.
Card ID: 433
Author: BARRETT (Sir William F1etoher )
BARRETT (Sir William F1etoher ). PSyohlOal researoh. With a bbliograp2y.) (-rciae Univ’rsity Libry of Modern ow1e.) p5. viii. + 255. - [H. J 8. LondQ C19fl.] -L.’] tAnotber copyj
Card ID: 437
Author: FRANKLAND (William Barrett)
FRANKLAND (William Barrett). See EUCIJO. [Elementa.— mg.j.J The First book of Euclid?s Elements. With a W.B.Frankland. Cambridge, 1905.
Card ID: 159