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BARRETT George a:barrett george|k:george (george) (3)
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ERSON, George Barrett
BOTSFOID, George VIillis and, Jay Barrett
Author: BARRETT (George)
BARRETT (George). DE MORGAN (A.) Account Gf a correspondence between 3. Barrett and F. Bàily. London 1854].
Card ID: 391
Author: ERSON (George Barrett)
2&ERSON (George Barrett). The Stu.y of Latin and of English grammar; remarks of G.B. Emerson at a meeting of the Boston Social Science Association, of which he was then President, held February 21, 1867. [Q.M.L.1 °. Boston, [Mass:) 1871.
Card ID: 108
Author: BOTSFOID (George VIillis) and (Jay Barrett)
L$OITC’ft BOTSFOID (George VIillis) and (Jay Barrett). A’BrieT history of Ue world, with espeoial referenoe to sooial and eoonojtio oondit,jons... Revised edition. (With a bibliography. 1 pp. xv + 554. IUwtrations and 6° New York, 1924.
Card ID: 431