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BARLOWE William as (william) (3)
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BARLOWE, William
BARLOW, William
ARBER, Edward
Author: BARLOWE (William)
BARLOWE (William),. sucoessively Bishop of Saint Asaph, of Saint Davids, of Bath a_Iel1s and of Chichster. Se BARLOW.
Card ID: 362
Author: BARLOW (William)
DEOSTQftT BARLOW (William), successively BishoD of Saint Asap, of Saint_David’s, I1s of Bishop Barlowe’s Dialogue on the Lutheran factions. First published in 1531 and again in 1553. Vith an introduction bearing on the question of Anglican orders, and notes, by J.R.Lunn. pp. 124. 0 8 • London, 189’?.
Card ID: 357
Author: ARBER (Edward)
- ‘-‘ ARBER (Edward). 1-c-- English reprints. Edited by E. Arber. 28. ROY (William) and BARLOWE (Jerome). Rede me and be nott wrothe...Written by W. Roy and J. Barlowe, English observant Franciscan friexs.printed.. .in 1528. A Proper dyaloge betwene a gentiliman and a husbandrnan...Together with A compendious oNe treatyse, shewyn howe that vie ought to haue the scripture in Englyashe, written by a Lollard,about 1530, [With a bibliography.] pp.184. Facsimiles. [1.?.] 0 4 London, 1871. Bound with Noa.29 volume lettered:Vo]..14. [See cacL.j
Card ID: 538