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BARLOW Henry Clark a:e henry|k:e (or) (4)
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BARLOW, Henry Clark
Author: BARLOW (Henry Clark)
BARLOW (Henry Clark). fl Conte Ugolino e 1’Arcivescovo Ruggieri: a sketch front the Pis.n chronicles. tWith special reference to Inferno cxiiI.] pp. 23. [L.z.J 8°. Lorion, 1862. Bounclina vorne lettered: Stues froji 1ante. Barlow.
Card ID: 316
BARLOW (Henry Clark). Francesca da Rimini, her lament, and vindication, with a brief notice of the Malatesti. [With special reference to Inferno v.1 pp. 52. [L.I.] 8°. London,1859. in_a yolurne lettered: Studies from Dte. Barlow. I
Card ID: 320
:Z/ BARLOW (Henry Clark) - Ii Gran rifiuto, what, it was, who made it, and how fatal to Dante Aflighieri. A disse’— tation on verses fifty—eight to sixty—three oanto of the Inferno. pp. 22. 8°. Lnao 1862. Bound in a volume lettered, Studies from - --
Card ID: 321
BARLOW (Henry Clark). he Young king [Henry, son oi Henry II., King of England], and Bertrand de Born. [With Deference to Dante, Inferno xxviii.135.] pp. 36. [L.I.] 8°. London, 1862. Bound i a.v1unie lettered: Studies £ro Dante. ar1ow.
Card ID: 324