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BARKER Edmund Henry a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (3)
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BARKER, Edmund Henry
Author: BARKER (Edmund Henry)
BARKER (Edmund Henry). E. 1-1. Barker’s Supplements to Dr.Lemprieres C1assoal dictionary. London, 1836. See tEMPRIERE (J.) Bibliotheca c1assica, etc.
Card ID: 70
BARKER (Edmund Henry). Plan for cataloguing the classical and olassicobiblical manuscripts and printed books in the British Museum, which plan combines the advantages of a chronological, alphabetical and’olassed catalogue. The humble petition of E. H. the Honrab1é House of Commons. pp. 3. L. I.) 4°. [London, 183&.)
Card ID: 71
BARKER (Edmund Henry). DICTIONARIES. [Languages. — Greek.] ‘oXoyov ro etc. (Etymo— logicum graeoae linguae Gudianum ...,Accedunt, notae ad Etymologicon magnum ineditae Ed.H.Barkeri, etc.) Leipzig, 1818.
Card ID: 72