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BARKER David a:a david|k:it (david) (7)
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BARKER, Sir David Wilson
OPENTER, Alfred and BARKER, Sir David Wilson
No Author available
Author: BARKER (David)
‘1 I- ‘) BARKER (David), Professor of Zoology, University of Iurhaxn. Zoology and medical research: inaugural lecture of the Profeesor of Zoology, (University of Durham), delivered...on 26 February, 1963. pp. 18. Diagrams. ° Durhai, 1963.
Card ID: 60
Author: BARKER (Sir David Wilson)
DEPOSITORY BARKER (Sir David Wilson). See MILLINGTON (E.C.) Seamen in the a1aking: a short history of nautical training. . .With a foreword by Sir D.V.. Barker. London, 1935.
Card ID: 62
Author: OPENTER (Alfred) and BARKER (Sir David Wilson)
DEPOSITORY OPENTER (Alfred) and BARKER (Sir David Wilson). Nature notes for ocean ‘voyagers: be1n.. observations upon life in “the vast,j deep’, and fishes, birds and beasts seen froiii a ships deck, with...ohspters on weather, waves and legendary lore. .With... illustrations, including map.. ,Seoond odtion, revised, etc. pp.d..+ 212. Qi; 1926.
Card ID: 351
Author: No Author available
t€Pa’5rroiy BARKER (jr. David Wilson). See CARPENTER (A.) and BARKER (Sir P. W.) Nature notes for ocean voyagers, etc. London, 1926.
Card ID: 61
G q LITURGIES. Church of England. [Common Prayer.] The Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter or Psalmes of David, etc. Robert Barker, London, 1606. Bound with BIBLE [English, 1606.] Temporary Catalogue Entry
Card ID: 227
LITURGIES. Church of England. [Common Prayer.] The Book of’ Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England, with the Psalter or Psalmes of David. pp. (124). [D.—L.L.] 4°. Robert Barker and the Assignes of Johr Bill: London, i64i. Without pagination. Cropped. Bound in a volie lettered: BibUa sa_Junii_ Tremellit.
Card ID: 233
63 14’.INL6 Hj Reference only LONDOf1. [111.3 HiGtorica2. Aasociation. Bristol Branch. Local history pamphlets. 33. Entertainment in the nineties. By Kathleen Barker. 1973. ti. The Bristol riots. ay susan Thias. 197i. 35. Public health in mid—Victorian Bristol. By David Large and Frar.cea Round. 1974. 36. The Estahlishment of the Bristol Police force. By Roderick Walters, 1975.
Card ID: 398