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BANIM Michael a (michael) (4)



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    Author: BANIM (Michael)


    BANIM (Michael), YM B2150 BAND.! (John). The Boyne iater by John Banim], Michael Benim.) edition of 1865. Bernard Escerbelt. (r the O’Hara Femily [or rather With introduction and notes by (A facsimile reprint of the Dublin 3 Introduction end glossary by Lifle, 1976.

    Card ID: 10

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    Author: BANIM (John)


    YM B215G BANIM (John), The Boyne water. (By the O’Hara Family [or rather by John Banixnj. With itroduction aM notes by Michael Eanim.) (A facsimile reprtxt of the Dublin edition of 1865.] Introduction and glossary by Bernard Escarbelt (cjR.t.U.L. Anglo-Irish rets.) pp.31, xv, 5&S, E). Bibi. and nsps. Lifle, 1976.

    Card ID: 6

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    Author: No Author available


    YM 215G 0’ HARA FAMILY, [i.e John end Michael BM’IIM.] The oyne water, (r the 0 ‘Hera Family for rather by John Banim]. With introduction and notes by Michael Banim.) [A facsimile reprint of the Dublin edition of 1865.] Introduction end glossary by Bernard Escerbelt, Lille, 1976. BANIM (John).

    Card ID: 123

  • card

    Author: T (Bernard)


    YM B215G ESCRBEtT (Bernard). BANIM (John). The Boyne water. (By the 0’ Hera Family br rather by John Banim]. With Introduction end notes by Michael Banim,) (A faceiniile reprint of the Dublin edition of 1865.] IntroductIon and glossary by Bernard Escarbelt. Mile, 1.976.

    Card ID: 159