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BANDELLO Matteo a:ar arthur|k:ar (arthur) (5)



  • card

    Author: BANDELLO (Matteo)


    L BANDELLO (Matteo), Bishop of Ag. ENoveile. - Collections.) La Prima (—quarta) parte de la novelle del Bandello. 4 vols. in 3. 40. London, [Italy printed), 17)+O.

    Card ID: 327

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    Author: BANDELLO (Matteo)


    ‘‘i3 BANDELLO (Matteo), Bishop of Ag. ove11eoIlectjQ Certain tragioal discourses of l3andeflo, - translated into English by G. Fenton, anno 1587. With an introduction by fl. Langton Douglas. 2 vols. London, 1898. HENLJY (‘Ii. E..) The Tudor transla.tions, etc. Vols. 19-20.

    Card ID: 331

  • card

    Author: BANDELLO (Matteo)


    BANDELLO (Matteo), Bishop of Agç. [Noveile. - Single rhe Tragicali historye of Romeus and Juliet, written first in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in Englishe by Ar. Br. (For editions of this poem by Arthur Bccoke, based on the novel of Bandello:] BROKE (A.)

    Card ID: 335

  • card

    Author: BANDELLO (Matteo)


    (HGW BANDELLO (Matteo), Bishop of Agen. (Novefle. - Sing.e - ales.] Romeo und Giuletta. • .Simrocks ibertragung, revidiert von R.Fischer. FISCHER (R.) Quelleri zu Romeo mid Julia, Bonn, 1922.

    Card ID: 337

  • card

    Author: BANDELLO (Matteo)


    (V ) C L ‘‘ BANDELLO (Matteo), 3ishop of Agen. See PRtJVOST (Reri). Matt..eo Bandc].1o and Elizabethan fiction. Paris, 1937

    Card ID: 339