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BALZAC Honoré de a:p will|k:p (will) (21)



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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). [Collected Works. — 9I En1ish.J La Coidie hurnaine. (Translated by G.B.Ives and others. I (cxon EditiOn.)Vo1s.1—i3,’i•53. Portas. table and 8°. London, (19111. Iuzperfect; wanting Vol.14. Private life. 1. The House of the Cat and Racket. The dance at Sceaux. The purse. The vendetta. 2. !4iemoirs of two young wives. 3. Modeste Mignon. 4. A Start in life. Madame Firiniani. The message. The mass. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 9

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). [Collected Works. — E1ish.] La Comdie humaine. [Translated by G.B.Ives and others.) [Continued.] 27. History of the thirteen: Ferragus, chief of the Dévorants, La Duchesse de Langeals. 28. Csar Birotteau. 29. The Civil Service. Gaudissart II. A prince of Bohemia. 30. The House of Niicingen. The secrets of La Princesse de Cadignan. Sarrasine. Facino Cane. A man of business. The involuntary êomedians, [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    (TC C, 911 BALZAC (Honoré de). [Collected Works. — English.] La Comdie humaine. [Translated by G.B.Ives and others.) [Continued. I 31—32. The Petty bourgeoi. Military and political life. 55. The Chouans. 34. A Passion in the desert. An episode under the reign of tezror. A dark affair. 35. Z.1Iarcas. The other side of contemporaneous history: first episode, Madamede la Chanterie; second episode, The novice. 36—37, The Deputy from Arcis. [SEE 1EXT cMu.]

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). Emailér ‘áo11ections, La Duchessede Langeais; Un dbut dans la vie. Edition critique at commente par .G.Mayer. pp. xxxiv. + 472. 8°. Paris, [19491.

    Card ID: 21

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). [Letters.] Lett1res 1’trangre [4adame FIanska. ( Baizac. ‘tuvres Posthumes.) 3 vols. Portrait, plates and tac—simiies. 8. Paris,.. 1906—33. Vol. 1. is of the fifth edition dte 1933

    Card ID: 23

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    XTQ /7It? BALZAC (Honoré de). [Ze Chef—d’oeuvre inconnu.] ? Un Cat4chienie eethtique: le “Chef d’oeuvre inconnu” de Balzac, etc. [By] (P. Laubriet). [With two versions of the text, and a bibliography. Complementary thesis: University of Parie.J pp. 258. 8. Paris, 1961.

    Card ID: 32

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    C )1G •1 , 31(rL BALZAC (Honoré de). [Illusions perdues.— ?art I.] Illusions perdues. Le manuecrit de l.a Collection Spoe].berch de Lovenjoul. [The text of the MS. version, with that of the first published edition (1837).] Introduction, dition et notes [by] S.J.Bérard, etc. [Complementary thesis: University of Paris..j pp. xxviii. + 259. Facsimiles. 4°. Paris, [1959]. In later editions this work was entitled “Lee Deux poètes” and formed the first of the three stories issued under the Reneral title of ‘1lllusioris perdues”.

    Card ID: 53

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    Sfl’Honoré de). [Los Paysans.- Appondix.J See SPOELBERCH DE LOVENJOUI (Alfred C.J. tie), -“ Viscount. La Genése d’un roman do Balzac: tes Paysans. Lettres et fragments in8dits. Paris, 1901.

    Card ID: 61

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). Petites misères de la vie conjugale. pp. 247. 8°. Paris, [1926].

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BI7VT BALZAC (Honoré de). SSo La Rabouilleuse. Avec tine introduction et des notes par M.Allem. pp. xvi. + 428. 8. Paris, [1950).

    Card ID: 66

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    BALZAC (Honoré de). [Scenes de-la Vie privée.ic. -. Atep4jx.l &s: HAAS (Josef). H. Baizacs ‘Scnes de la vie priv4e’, von 18 30. - i1e.-on—the--Saa1e, 1912.

    Card ID: 68

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    Author: BALZAC (Honoré de)


    • BALZAC (Honoré de). ..[Appendjx.) & :rrni GON. (Toui s J.) - Les Dbuts littéraires d’Honoró de Baizac. D’aprs des documents nouveaux et in&Iits. Paris, 1924.

    Card ID: 85