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BALLANTYNE James a:it john|k:are (john) (4)
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SCOTP, Sir Walter
Author: BALLANTYNE (James)
BALLANTYNE (James), Printer. See LOCKHART (John Gibson). f Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. — Appendix..] Refutation of the mistatements [sic] and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. [James and John] BaJ.lantyne. By the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne, . London and Edinburgh, 1838.
Card ID: 505
Author: UTYNE (John)
BALLkUTYNE (John), Publisher. See LOCKHART (John Gibson). [Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. — Appendix.) Refutation of the mistatements [sic] and calumnies contained in Mr. Locichart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. [James and John] Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne etc. London and Edinburgh, 1838.
Card ID: 512
Author: No Author available
‘Ir.l LOCKHART (John Gibson). (Memoirs of the Life ot° Sir Walter Scott. — Appendix.] - Refutation of the mistatements (sic] and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., respecting the Messrs. [James and John] Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. Second edition. pp. 88. 8°. London and Edinburgh, 1838. Bound in a volume lettered:”Balla.ntyne Humbug”.
Card ID: 55
Author: SCOTP (Sir Walter)
“V SCOTP (Sir Walter), Bart. See LOCKHART (John Gibson). [Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. — Appendix.) Refutation of the mistatements [sic) and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart’s Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., respecting the Me8srs. [James and John] Ballantyne. By the trustees and son of the late Mr. James Bal].antyne, 2• Iondon and Edinburgh, 1838.
Card ID: 356