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BALGUY, Thomas
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Author: BALGUY (Thomas)
Porteus Library 49 BALGUY (Thomas), ch4eacon of Whèst A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch—deaconry of Winchester in the year 1772, etc. — The Plea of the petitioners stated and vindicated from the misrepresentations... in a late Dr. Balguy, [By John Firebrace.J pp. 80. 8°. London, 11772].
Card ID: 321
Poctei tLbra 64 BALGUY (Thomas), hdeacon of Winchester. (Sermon preached in Lainbeth Chapel. — Appendix.) Remarks on Dr.Balguyts the consecration of the Bishops of Licbfield and Coventry, and of Bangor, February 12, 1775, in a letter to that gentleman. By a ptitioning clergyman [i.e. John Disney). pp. 36. 80. London, 1775.
Card ID: 322
Author: DISNEY (John)
orteas Library 64 DISNEY (John), D.D. Remarks on Dr.Balguy’s the consecration of the Bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Bangor, February 12, 1775, in a letter to that gentleman. By a petitioning c1eryman[i.e. John Disney]. London, 1775. BALGUY (Thomas), Aruhdeacon of Winches;ter. [Sermon preached in Lamóth cápei — Appendix.]
Card ID: 171
Author: FIRERACE (John)
Portes Library 49 FIRERACE (John). - The Plea of the petitioners stated and vindicated froni the misrepresentations.,.in a late charge.,.by Dr. Balguy, .. [By J. Firebrace.] London, 117721. BALGtJY (Thomas), Archdeacon oVjçhester. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch-deaconry of Winchester in the year 1772, .
Card ID: 109
Author: No Author available
£oteus Tibrary49 PLEA. The Plea of the petitioners stated.and vindicated from the misrepresentations in a late Dr. Balguy, . [By John Firebrace. J Lond, [1772]. See BALGUY (Thomas), Archdeçon of Winchest. A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Arch-deaconry of Winchester in the year 1772, etc.
Card ID: 280
Pteus Library 64 RELRR!CS. Remarks on Dr.Balguy’s the consecration of the Bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, and of Baz2gor, February 12, l775 in a letter to that gentleman. By a petitioning clergyman (i.e. John Disney]. Londofl, 1775. BALGUY (Thomas), Archdeacon of Winhestr. [Sermon preached in Lam.e.h Chãpe..— Appendix.]
Card ID: 25