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BALE, John
Author: BALE (John)
BALE (John), Bishop of Ossorv. The Temptacyon of our Lorde...Now first reprinted, and edited, by A. B. Grosart. [1ackburn], printed for private circulation, 1870. GROSART (A. B.) Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies’ Library. Vol. 1.
Card ID: 203
Fi I :j BALE (John), Bishop of Qssory. The TemptaUon of our Lord.,.1538. (A brefe comedy or enterlud.e concernynge the temptacyon of our lorde and sauer Jesus Christ by Sathan in the desart. Reproduced in facsimile.) London and Edinburgh, 1909. _____ CY ri; lO$4 - Students’ facsimile edition 1909]. See TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS.
Card ID: 204
BALE (John), bishop of Ossory. BIBLE. Revelation. fEnglish.1 The Image of both churches after the moste wonderful and hesuenly Reuelacion of Sainct John the Euagelist, contayning a very frutefull exposicion or paraphrase upon the same, wherein it is conferred with the other scripturs, and most auctorised historyes. Compiled by John Bale. [London, 1550?].
Card ID: 206
BALE (John), Bishop of Ossç. URBANA.. University of. Illinois. Studies in Language and Literature. Vol. XXV. No. 4. 1-IARRIS (.w.) John Bale: a study in the minor liter— ature of the Reformation. Urbana, 1940.
Card ID: 211