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BALAN Ion balan (ion) (3)
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BALAN, ton Dodu
Author: BALAN (Ion)
v8z Unesco DODU BALAN (Ion). Cultural policy in Roinania. [By) Ion Dodu Balan with the co-operation of the Directorates of the Council of Socialist Culture and Education. Paris, 1975. See UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCI3TIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATiLON. Studies and documents on cultural policies, 30.
Card ID: 61
Author: BALAN (ton Dodu)
BALAN (ton Dodu). Sei DODD BAWl (Ion).
Card ID: 361
Author: VBZ (PC)
VBZ (PC) Unesco UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL1 SCITIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION. Studies and documents on cultural policies. [Continued.] 26. Cultural policy in the Philippines: a study prepared under the auspices of the Unesco Natnal Commission of the Philippines. 1973. 27. Cultural policy in Liberia. [By] Kenneth Y.Best. 1974. 28. Cultural policy in Hungary: a survey prepared under the auspices of the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO. 1974. 29. The Cultural policy of the United Republic of Tanzania. [By] L.A.Mbughuni. 1974. 30. Cultural policy in flomania. [By) Ion Dodu Balan, with the co operation of the Dire the Council of Socialist Culture and Education 5. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 408