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BAKER Ernest Albert a:p will|k:p (will) (6)



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    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    BAKER (Ernest Albert). Caving: episodes of underground exploration. pp. xv. + 22. Plates and diagrams. 0 8 . London, f 1932.]

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    BAKER (Ernest Albert). History in fiction: a guide to the.hest historical romances, sagas,. novels and tales. 2 vols. 16°. Loncon, [1907]. 1. English fiction. 2. American and foreign fiction. [New edition, revised and enj.arged.] AGuide to historical fiction. pp. xv. + 565. 40 London, 1914.

    Card ID: 83

  • card

    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    -3uLP Rc4e’ o’j BAKER (Ernest Albert). The History of the English novel. 11 vole. London, 19211—70. 1 • The Age ofh.romance, from the beginnings to the renaissance. 192k. 2. The Elizabethan age and after. 1929. 3. The Later romances and the establishment of realism. 1929. 4. Intellectual realism, from Richardson to Sterne. 1930. 5. The Novel of sentiment and the Gothic romance. 1934. 6. Edgewoz’th, Austen, Scott. 1935. 7. The Age of Dickens and Thackerar. 1936. 8. From the Brontlis to Meredith: romanticisq1 in the English novel. - [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 84

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    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    BAKER (Ernest Albert). See pony (T.)’, Sthor of’john Buncle”. The Life and opinion of John Buncle Esquire... With an introduction by E.A. Baker. London. and New York, 1904.

    Card ID: 90

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    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    BAKER (Ernest Albert). See JOHNSTON (Charles), Barrister—at—Law. Chryaal; or, The Adventures o a Guinea. London, [1907).

    Card ID: 91

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    Author: BAKER (Ernest Albert)


    BAKER (Ernest Albert). See SIDNEY (Sir P.). The Coimtess of Pembroke’ s Aroadia... With. . .a life of the aithor, and an introduotion by B. A. Baker. London, [1907L

    Card ID: 92