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BAKER David on (david) (7)



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    Author: BAKER (David)


    BAKER (David), BAKER (Augustine)..

    Card ID: 54

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    Author: No Author available


    I V.B (P.c.i) BAKER (David), of Bedfordshire County Council Planning Department. Bedfordshire historic buildings: the heritage and its problems today. (Compiled by David Baker, Alan Cox and Elizabeth Marten. Photography by Ken Whitbread and Dave Stubbs and David Baker.) obl.fol. [Bedrordi, l97. See BEDFORD. County of. County Council Planning Department. Conservation Section.

    Card ID: 55

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley -. Collection BAKER (David Erskine). Biographia dramatica; or, a Companion to the play-house, containing historical and critical memoirs, and origirl anecdotes, of British and Irish dramatic writers. • .Also an. alphabetical account of their works..A new edition, carefully corrected, greatly enlarge& and continued from 1764 to 1782. Vol.1. 8°. London, 1782. Imperfect; wanting vol.2. [SEE NEXT CARD.1

    Card ID: 56

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘- r--- BAKER’ (David Erskine). Biographia dramatica; or, a Companion to the playhouse, containing historical and critical memoirs, and original anecdotes, of. British and Irish dramatic writers...Also, an alphabetical account, and chronological lits, of their works...together with an introductory view of the rise and progress of the British stage. Originally compiled to the year 1764 by D.EBaker, continued thence to 182 by I.Reed, and brought down to the end of Iovember SJones. 3 vols. lb. 4. [De L] 8°. Iondon, 1812. bqq r , Ma1coki Morley LAnother copy. j Collection

    Card ID: 57

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    Author: No Author available


    r)r ‘u.) C. C.>-.. DICTIONARIES. tBiograpby. English.] Biographi.a:! dratica; or, a Companion to the playhouse, containing historical and critical memoirs, and original anecdotes, of British and Irish dramatic writers...Also, an alphabetical account, and chronological lists, of their works...together with an introductory view of the rise and progress of the British stage. Originally compiled to the year 1764 by D.E. Baker, continued thence to 1782 by I.Reed, and brought down to the end of November 1811.... by S.Jones. 8°. London, 1812. See BAIER (David Er.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: No Author available


    c1.4ic JONES (Stephen), Editor of the “BioaDhia ra.mat icp”. §j BAKER (David Erekine).. Biographia dramatica; or, a Companion to the playhouse, containing historical and critical memoirs, and original anecdotes, of British and Irish dramatic writers...Also, an alphabetical. account, and chronological lists, of their works...together with an introductory view of the rise and progess of the British stage. Originally compiled to the year 1764 by D.E.Baker, continued thence to 1782 by I.Reed, and brought down to the end of November S,one5. Lodø, 1812.

    Card ID: 461

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    Author: REED (Isaac)


    Ct L’ REED (Isaac). BAKER (David Erskjne) Biographia’ dramatica; or, a Companion to the playhouse, containing historical and critical memoirs, and original anecdotes, of British and Irish dramatic writers,..A2so, an alphabetical account, and chronological lists, of their works...together with an introductory view of the rise and progress of the British stage. Originally compiled to the year 1764 b D.E.Baker, continued thence to 1782 by I.Reed and brought down to the end of November 1811... by S.Jones. 8°. London, 1812.

    Card ID: 237