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BAINES Edward a:p •|k:p (will) (6)
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BAINES, Edward
BAINES, Sir Edward
BAINES, r Edward
Author: BAINES (Edward)
BAINES (Edward), the Elder. See BAThES (Edward), H.P. for Leeds.
Card ID: 366
k BAINES (Edward), L.E. idr Leeds. The History of the County Palatine and Duehy of Lancaster. . .The bioaphical department by...W.R.Whatton. A new, revised and improved edition, edited by J.Harland (continued and completed by 2 vols. Illustrations. 1es_andjolded mgp L.P. fol. London and Manchester, 1868-70.
Card ID: 367
(iv;C4 BAINES (Edward), ?.P,rleeds. History of the wars of the French Revolution, from the breaking out of the war in 1792 to the restoration of a general peace in 1815, comprehending the civil history of Great Britain and France during that period.. .With portrait.s.. .maps, plans and charts. 2 vols. [fl.—L.L.] 40• London, 1817.
Card ID: 368
Author: BAINES (Sir Edward)
BAINES (Sir Edward). An Alarm to the nation on the unJuitd, unconstitutional and dangerous mea.ure of st.ate eduction proposei by the Government. pp. 24. [Q..L.j 8. London, 1847.
Card ID: 369
BAINES (Sir Edward). [Letters to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell on State Education.—Appendix.] SWAINE (Edward). * Equity without compromise; or, Hints for the construction of a just system of. national education. •(Second editIon.’> With remarks on Dr. Hook’s pamphlet, and the Letters or E. Baines, Jun. to Lord John Russell. London, 1846. —Third edition. London, 1846.
Card ID: 371
Author: BAINES (r Edward)
— BAINES (r Edward). The Woollen manufacture of England, with special reference to the Leeds clothing district. BAINES (T.), of Liverpool1 Piinter. Yorkshire past and present...Including [in Vol. I., part 2] an accouiit of the woollen trade of Yorkshire, by E.Baines. London, [1871-771.
Card ID: 374