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BAILEY Henry a:bailey henry|k:0046 (4)
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BAILEY, j William Henry
BAILEY, Sir William Henry
BROWNING, Henry Bailey
Author: BAILEY (Henry)
‘— ‘ —1 DPOSTJi BAILEY (Henry). Ritrn1e Ang1o—Ctholium; or, the testirnony of the Catholic Churoh to the Book of Coion Prayer, as exhibited in quotations from ancient Fathers, councils, liturgies, and rituals. Together vth illustrations from accredited publications of the sixteenth century. pp. xxxvi. + 408. - 8. London, 1847.
Card ID: 43
Author: BAILEY (j William Henry)
PEPOStT(*’ BAILEY (j William Henry). On technical libraries, in relation to the more beneficial use of free public libraries for trade purposes: a paper read before the Manchester Association of Employers, Foremen and Draught smen. .on January 22nd, i88i. pp. 9. t-o 0 . Llancnester, lcd.
Card ID: 155
Author: BAILEY (Sir William Henry)
c Q;1: BAILEY (Sir William Henry). Shakespeare asa patriot: inaugural address by the President, Sir W.H.Bailey Manchester Shakespeare Society... 10th, 1á99, pp. 16. 0 8. jManchester printed, 1899).
Card ID: 156
Author: BROWNING (Henry Bailey)
BROWNING (Henry Bailey). [A Review of] An Algebra of ratios, founded on simple and general definitions; with a theory of exponents extended to incommensurable ratios, and the propositions of the fifth book of Euclid easily and symbolically deduced. By H. B. Browning. [By T. S. Davies? Excerpt from the Civil Engineer and Architect’s Journal, October 1849.] pp. 293-96. [De M.i 40 [London, 1849]. Attributed to Davi:es by Augustus De Morgan.
Card ID: 434