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BAGSHAW Christopher a:on e|k:on (e) (2)
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BAGSHAW, Christopher
Author: BAGSHAW (Christopher)
BAGSHAW (Christopher) n Inswear of .Doctor agshaw to certayne poyntes of a libell called Jn Apologie of the subordination in Eng1ad. ELY (Humphrey). Certajne brief e notes vpon a brief e apologie...Wherunto is added a seuerall answeare ‘vnto the part cularites obi ected against certaine persons [by C.agshaw, 16O3).
Card ID: 404
Author: BLACKWELL (George)
c 141’f BLACKWELL (George), Arohpriest. Relatio compendiosa turbarurn cjuas Iesuit’e Angli, vna curn DGeorgio i1ackwe11o Arc1iipr.sbytero, sacerdotibus seminaripruin popuioc Catholico c5ciüere ob schismatis & aliorurn criminurn. inuidiani illis iniuriose irrkpactari sacro sanctb inquisitionis officio exhibita, vt rerum veritate COgflit ab integerritnis eiusdem iuciioibus lites & cusae discutiantur & terniinentur. [By Christopher Bagshaw.) pp. [or rather 101] + (1). [D.-L.L.) 0 4 . Per_IacoburnMotaeum: Rouen, tThrnasCreec1.e? Londóñ, 1601?) Bound with J.Mush: Dec ratio tuum
Card ID: 18