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BAGLEY John Joseph a:on john|k:0959 (4)
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BAGLEY, John Joseph
Author: BAGLEY (John Joseph)
BAGLEY (John Joseph). A flistory of Cheshire. General eaitor i.i.R.Bagley. CHESTER, County of, Cheshire Community Council.
Card ID: 357
MIvfl BAGLEY (John Joseph). A HIstory of Lancashire...Cartography by D.H.Birch. pp. 64. Plates and 8°. Londq, 1956. (ecoñd), reviced edition pp. 64. Bible., plates, iflus. and maps. London, 1961. £!.i’ LjVA (Sixth edition). (is D.zwzen County HittGry ‘Series. pp; 1.28. ]3ibl., plates, ilus. and maps. London and Chicheater, 1976.
Card ID: 358
BAGLEY (John Joseph). Upholland Grammar School: the evolution oá sehool through three centuries. [With a bibliography.) pp.-. 8o. Plates and map. 8. Lond, 1944.
Card ID: 359
63 !4’rNA6 Rec BAGLEY (John Joseph). See 11ANCHESTE. Record society for the Publication of Ori_ginal Docuiients relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. [Publications.i 110, 112, 114. The Great diurnal of Nicholas Blundell of Little Crosby1 Lancashire. Transcribed and annotated by F.Tyrer. Edited for the Record Society by J.J.Bagley. [Preston, 1968-72].
Card ID: 360