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BACON Roger a:on e|k:on (e) (5)



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    Author: BACON (Roger)


    BACON (Roger). [Appendix.. :The Faraous.story of Fiar Bacon. —Lonr Version.] The Famous historie o Fryer Bacon. dited by E. Goldsmid, E4inbur, privately printed., 1886. See GOLDSMID E, M. Bibliotheca Curiosa, etc.

    Card ID: 514

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    Author: BACON (Roger)


    BACON (Roger). [Two or more Works. — Latin.] Fratris Roieri Bacon De ret,ardatione aooidntium senectutis, oum allis opusoiilis derebus raedioinalibus nunc priraum ediderunt A. G. Litt,lo [and] E. Wi thlngton. Oxford, 192B. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) British Society of PranoisoanEEdies. rublicationsT4.

    Card ID: 499

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    Author: HIRSCH (Samuel Abraham)


    “ HIRSCH (Samuel Abraham). See BACON (Roger). [Grmmat1ca Graeca.] The Greek grammar of Roger Bacon, and a fragment of his Hebrew grammar. Edited from the MSS. with introduction and notes by E..Nolan and S.A.Hirsch. Cambridge, 1902.

    Card ID: 339

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    Author: No Author available


    L&.73 x, BACON (Roger). [Single Works. — De Retardandis Senectutis Accidentibus.] The Cure of old age, and preservation of youth. By R. Bacon. Translated out ol7Latin [i.e. from the abridgment published n 15901; with annotations, and an account of his life and writings, by II. rowne. Also, a Physical account of the tree of life, by E. Aladeira Arrais, trans— lated likewise out of Latin by the same hand. 2 parts ui 1 vol. [D.—L.L.J 8°. Printed for T.,F]esher and E.Evets: London, -- 1683.

    Card ID: 503

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    Author: No Author available


    5’. (U7 2. SINGER (Charles,Joseph). Studies in the history and method of science etc. [CONTINUED.’j E. T. Withington: Dr. John Weyer and the witch mania. R. Levy: The “Tractatus cie causis et indiclis morborum”, attributed to Maimonides. F. C. S Schiller: Scientific discovery and logical proof. Vol. 2. C. Singer: Greek biology and its relation to the rise of modern biology. J. L. E. Dreyer: Mediaeval astronomy. FL. Steele: Roger Bacon and the st.a.te. of science in the thirteenth century. H. Hópstock: Leonardo as anatomist, translated from the Norwegian by E. A. Fleming. E. T. Withington: The Asclepiadae and 3t3 of Aselepius. [SEE NEXT CRD.j

    Card ID: 320