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BACON Nathaniel a:j 40|k:j (40) (4)



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    Author: BACON (Nathaniel)


    o’vJC H’ (_‘_J BACON (Nathaniel), Uaster of Reauests to the Protector. An Historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England. The first part. From the first times till the reigne of Edward the third. (The continuation of an historicail discourse of the government of England, untill the end of the reine of Queene Elizabeth. With a preface, being a vindication of the ancient way of Earliaments in England.) 2 parts in 1 vol. LD.—LL.] 40 Printed for 1i.Walbancke: London, 1647— 51. [sEE NEXT CAB3V

    Card ID: 480

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    Author: BACON (Nathaniel)


    BACON (Nathaniel),.Master of Requests to the Protector. An Historicall discourse of the uniformity of the government of England, etc. [Continued.] This edition was printed in 1682 and titlepagea bearjr that date have been retained in this pY. On Its apoearance it was at once suppressed but in 1689 it wa bro o ain with a new tit1epae and an ‘advertisement by the rniblfsher in which he recounts the history of the book and ascribes its?rQund_workl t Selden. [SEI NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 484

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    Author: BACON (Nathaniel)


    k i BACON (Nathaniel), Master of Rqusts to the Prptectpx. - An Historical), discourse of the uniformity of the government of England, . [Continued.) —— Yifth edition, corrected and improved by a gentleman of the Middle Temple. 2 parts in I vol. [L.I.) London,- 1760.

    Card ID: 485

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    Author: BACON (jr Nathaniel)


    S U A, BACON (jr Nathaniel), of Stiffkey, Norfolk. The Official papers of Sir Nathaniel Bacon of Stitfkey, Norfolk, as Justice of the Peace, 158O162O. Selected and H.W.Saunders. London, 1915. See LONDON. LIII..J Royal_Historical Society. Camden series, 26.

    Card ID: 486