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BACON Francis a:on peter|k:is (peter) (7)
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BACON, Francis
AW, Peter
SHAW, Peter
No Author available
Author: BACON (Francis)
BACON (Francis), Visyout_ St.A1biis. [Essays. The Essays or coune1s, civil and Iaoralb of Francis Ld.Verulaw, Viscount St.A1ans. pp. 228. (D.—L.L.] 80. Peter Paer Press: Mount Vernon, ?j., [19491.
Card ID: 450
Author: AW (Peter)
SI-lAW (Peter). BACON (F.), viscount st. PJ.bans. [Works.] The Works of Francis Bacon, [Continued.] A new edition. London, iSiS. 2.
Card ID: 323
Author: SHAW (Peter)
SHAW (Peter). , BACON (F.), Viscount St. Albans. [Letters.] Select letters of Francis Bacon...With notes, critical and explanatory by P. Shaw. London, i803.
Card ID: 324
SHAW (Peter). BACON (F.), count St. AThars. [Works.] The Philosophical works of Francis Bacon. • .tnethodized, and made English, from the originals. With occasional notes, to explain what is obscure, and shew how far the several plans of the author, for the advanceient of all the parts of knov!ledge, have been executed to the present time. By P.Shaw. London, 1755. The second edition. 1737.
Card ID: 321
Author: No Author available
( ‘cC J& ! • ALVOR (Peter). Die Shakespeare—Frage und das Ben Jonson—Probi [Francis. Bacon the author of Jonson’s plays. pp. viii. + 97. 8 . Wurzburg, 1930.
Card ID: 18
I. SHAW (Peter). BACON (F.), Viscut St. Aibans. [Works.] The Works of Francis Bacon, etc. [The Latin works translated by P.Shaw, with notes, crItical and explanatory. I con, 1802—03. ____— [Another edition.) 1807. ____— [Another edition.] London, 1815—1818. [SEE NEXT CAlD.]
Card ID: 322
C —i_] IJ COURTIER (peter L.) See BACON (Francis), Viscount St.Albans. TSelections.J Verulamiana; or, Opinions on men, canners, literature, politics and theology... To which is prefixed a life of the author3 by the editor. [The editorts preface signed P.L.C. i.e. P.L.Courtier.) London, 1803.
Card ID: 234