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BACH Giovanni bach (giovanni) (5)
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BACH, Giovanni
BECK, ichard
BENSON, Adolph Buriett
No Author available
Author: BACH (Giovanni)
BACH (Giovanni). The History of the Scandinavian literatures a survey of the literatures of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, fpOi1i their origins to the present day, including Scandinavian—American authors, and selected bibliographies. Eased in part on the work of G.Bach with additional sections by R. Beck, A.B.Benson; A.J.Uppvall and others. Oowpiled, translated in part and edited by F,Blanluior. pp. (2) + xiv. + 407. 8°. New York, 1938.
Card ID: 272
Author: BECK (ichard)
-, NC2% BECK (ichard); of the University of North Dckota. See BACH (Giovanni). •The History of the 3canc3inavian literatures ot Norway, Sweden, Denmark, iceland and Finland, from their origins to the present day, including Scandinavian— American authors, and selected bibliographies. Based in pert on the work of G.Bacb, with additional sections by R.Beck...Corriled, translated in part and edited by F. Blaiiluier. New York, 1938.
Card ID: 91
Author: BENSON (Adolph Buriett)
__•4 ‘__ ‘) N 1oc BENSON (Adolph Buriett). See BACH (Giovanni). The History of the Scandinavian literatures ot Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland arid Finland, from their origins to the pre sent day, including Scandinavian— American authors, and selected bibliographies. Based in part on the work of G-Baoh, with additional eections by. .AB.Benson. . . Compiled, translated in part and edited by F.Blankner. New York, 1938.
Card ID: 388
Author: No Author available
COLLANA DI STIJDI ?ALESTRINI]HI. Collana di studi PaJ.estriniani: [publications of thej (Accademia Internazionale “Giovanni Pierluigi cia Palestrina”). £Volurnes in Vtiis series are fully catalogued under the individual headings: J 1. FERRACCI (Ecnilio). Ii Pa1esina: documenti di vita, problenii e prospettive d’arte. l9). i-n 2. PACCAGNELLA (Ermenegildo). Ii canto grforiano. 1961. t’1L. ltfc 3, PACCAGNELLA (Ernenegildo). J.S. Bach.
Card ID: 226
-. r ‘— I,. UPPVALL (Acel Johun). BACH (Giovanni). The History of the Scandinavian literatures of Norway1 Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, from their origins to the present day, including ScandinavianAmerican authors, and selected bibliographies. Based in part on the work of G.Bach, with additional sections by.. .A.J.Uppva]J. . .Cornpiled, translated in part and edited by E’.Blankner. New York, 1938.
Card ID: 138