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B Mary a:in mary|k:0956 (4)
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B, Mary
B, Charles and, Mary Ann
B, Mary Ann
B, Gladys Mary
Author: B (Mary)
Pi2 WILLIA!B (Mary). See PECEVAL, le Gallois, Knight of the Round Table. La Continuation de Peroeval. ((By J Gibert de Zbntreuil.) 1iite jr Mary Wilhiai*s. (Vol.3. dit er Marguerite Oswald.) Paris, 1922-75
Card ID: 417
Author: B (Charles) and (Mary Ann)
LAtB (Charles) and (Mary Ann). Mrs. Leicester’s school; or, the history or saveral young ladies, related by thernselves, etc. [By Charles and Mary Eaiob]. Prjnted for ?1.J.Godwtn:Lo’uton, 1814. See B.,M.
Card ID: 547
Author: B (Mary Ann)
LA!1B (Mary Ann). . moIisoN (J. a.). Bib11ograpby of the writings or Charles and Mary Iamb: a literary history. Hull, 1908.
Card ID: 605
Author: B (Gladys Mary)
W35 Add W3B (Gladys Mary). See .ADD3SON (!iida L.) Mary Webb: a ahort study of her life and work. 8°. London, 1931.
Card ID: 75