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B George Louis george (george) (3)
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B, George Louis
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Author: B (George Louis)
B (George Louis). The commercial policy of England toward the American colOnies. New York 1893. NE7 YORi. Co].mibia University. Studies in History, %eoonomios and public law. Vol.3. No.2.
Card ID: 303
Author: No Author available
‘o_- 1 F’TLON (Louis Napoleon. George). JEFFERY (George B.) . Louis Napoleon George filon, &:tc. [A memoir, ‘4th a list of his publications.] [London, 1938.)
Card ID: 84
I IEV Co1inbia Uni’irersit. Studies in bistorr, economics arid. public law. Vol.. No.2. B (George Louis). The Oornrneroiaj. policy of Eng1nd toward. the American colonies. [With a bibliohy.) pp. 16V. 8. New York, l89.
Card ID: 295