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AY John a:r john|k:an (john) (7)
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AY, John
AY, John Brickdale
ERERETON, John Le, ay
AY, Chritopier John
AY, John Maimsell Frajnpton
AY, John Fisher
Author: AY (John)
AUDEbAY (John). John Audelay’s poem on the observanoe of Sunday. [Conmient) by R. Priebsoh. See FURNIVAIL. (P. J.) An English miscellany, pp. 397—407. Oxford, 1901.
Card ID: 379
PNA MAcMurnAY (John). Search for reality in religion. (Swarthmore Lecture, 1965.) pp. (8) + 81. 8°. Lind.on, 19t5.
Card ID: 564
Author: AY (John Brickdale)
& \•\• BLAKE?1AY (John Brickdale). The Sherirfs or Shropshire, with their armorial bearings,- and notices, genealogical and biographical, of’ their £aniilies.- [Edltçd by DRowland.J pp. (2) ÷ vi. ÷ 259. I11ustration.. fol. Shrewsbury, 1831. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 527
Author: ERERETON (John Le (ay)
‘(SR L36a ERERETON (John Le (ay), the Younger. 3ee LAWSON (1enry Hertzburg). [Appendix.] Henry Lawson, by his mates. [Compiled by his daughter Bertha and J. Le Gay Brereton.) Sydney, 1973.
Card ID: 436
Author: AY (Chritop1ier John)
YBJB7 Gla Restricted loan HOLIO1AY (Chritop1ier John) See GLASGOW. University of Glasgow. Library. The ing collection of ig]ish broaide ballads in the library of the University of Glasgow. With en introduction by John Holloway. fol. Glasgow, 1971.
Card ID: 401
Author: AY (John Maimsell Frajnpton)
1AY (John Maimsell Frajnpton). Amos: its bistory and coinage, Li.7L—3Lii B.C. (oxford Classical & Philosophical Monographs.) pp.xvi + 288. Iaes, rnaps and tables. 8°. London, 1950.
Card ID: 482
Author: AY (John Fisher)
LJffAY (John Fisher). A Picturescue tour of the River Themes in its Western course, including particular descriptions oI’ Richmond, Windsor, and. Hampton Court. tm. x. + 356. Plate, illustrations and niaps. 8°. London, 18t9.
Card ID: 393