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AWSON Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (2)



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    Author: AWSON (Robert)


    I1AWSON (Robert). Upton—on—Severn words and phiases. London, 1884. See LONDOL Liii. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] 1ish’Dialect Society.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: RECORD (Robert)


    ç RECORD (Robert). The Grounde of artes, etc. [Coritinued.] —[Another edition.] The Grovnd of artes, teaching the perfect worke and practise of arithmaticke...Made by U. Robert Record... and now lately diligently corrected and beautified with sundry new rules and necessary additions. ?nd further endowed with a third part, of rules of practise...Whereunto are also added diuerse tables and instructions...By Iohn Mellis. pp. 557 + (3). Folded tableI IDe U.] 0 8 • Imprintedby T. D[awson) fI. Lari son: London, 1594. Cropped. [SEE N2XT CARD.]

    Card ID: 394