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AW Richard aw (richard) (7)
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AW, Richard
AW, Thomas Edward
PORSOW, Richard
PARRY, Richard
No Author available
Author: AW (Richard)
CRASifAW (Richard). See ESCH (Arno). Englische re1igise Lyrilc des-17. Jahr— hunderts: Studien zu Donne, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan. Tübingen, 1955.
Card ID: 257
Author: AW (Thomas Edward)
T •5(O ‘I LAWRENCE, afterwards ST{AW (Thomas Edward). GARNT (Richard), C.,,Kçper of Printed - ooks British Museum. The Twilight of the gods and other tales... With an introduction by T.E.Lawrence, . London and New York, 1928.
Card ID: 152
Author: PORSOW (Richard)
_J- ,__I PORSOW (Richard).. A Short account of the late r. Richard Porson...with some few particulars relative to his extraordinary taLents. By an admirer of a great genius [Stephen Weston]. pp. 23. Portrait. 80. London, 1808. e lower corner of the last leaf has been torn aw
Card ID: 25
Author: PARRY (Richard)
3 iC Par PARRY (Richard), of the College of Estate Msnagement. parrys Valuation tables and conversion Wles. Compiled by A.W. Davjdaon. (Ninth edition, reprinted.,) pp. ocxviii, 51k, 6L.. London, 19Th.. The third supplement is bowid with the main
Card ID: 321
Author: No Author available
-. SILICESPEARE (William). [Richard III. — Apendix.] See ALEXANDER (Peter), 1eius Proressor of EnplishLanuae and Literature, Unjvsjty of Glasgow. Shakespeare’s Henry VI. and Richard III.. .With an introduction by A.W. Pollard. Cambridge, 1929.
Card ID: 304
—. , POLIARD (Alfred William) and WILSON (John Dover)e Shaeepeare Problems. d.ited by A.W. Pollard and J.D. Wilson. 3. Shakespeare’s Henry VI. arid. Richard III. By P. Alexander, with an introductions by A.W. Pollard. pp. viii. + 229. 80. Cambridge, 1929. [Another copy.] *, § IJXANDR (P.), Regius PioJessor ‘f English Laxag.1ae and. 14.t.erature, University of Glasgow.
Card ID: 249
HAMBURG. Kultur’wissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg. Studien, [Cntinued.j 6. CASSIRER (Ernst). Sprache undMythos: em Co.s Beitrag zim Problem der Götternamen. 1925. 7. REITZENSTEIN (Richard) and SCflAEDER (HanS- H.) Studien zum antiken Syhkretismus aw Iran und GriecNenland. 1926. vi..LP - LI L. 8. SAXL (Fritz). Antike Götter in der Sptren—sance: em Freskenzyklus und em Discorso des Jacopo Zucehi. 1927. VLT 9. DEGrNEE (F.Schmidt—).Rembrandt und der 1io1Jlid ische barock. Deutsche Ubersetzung von A. Pauli. 1928. LSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 464