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AVILA Juan de a:avila juan de|k:juan (juan) (3)
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AVILA, Juan de
Author: AVILA (Juan de)
Li,L-ca c cc1 AVILA (Juan de), called the Apostle of Andalusia. The Avdi filia; or, a Rich cabinet fvil of spiritvall iewells...Translated out of Spanish into English. [The dedication signed: L.T., i.e. Sir T. Matthew’?] pp. (28) + 584 + (16). [D.—L.L.) 0 4 . [St. Omer], 1620. Sig. Cccc2 Is sined Bbbb2. pp. 144,, i88,_7, 423, 5d and 534 are incorrectly numbered respectively i4,. 581 and 354.
Card ID: 322
e€ AVILA (Juan de), the “Apostle of Andalusiatt. B°. Juan de Avila. Epistolarlo espiritual. Edición y notas de V.Garca de Diego. (Clásicos Castellanos. iL) pp. xxx. + (2) + 303 + (3). 0 8 . Madrid, 1912.
Card ID: 323
PRAL L936 Jer AVILA (Juan de), called tie Apo3tle of 11d14i. See JEBE(ZEK (Bruno). Louis de Grenade, disciple de Jean d’Avila. [Thesis: University of Paris.] Fontenay-le-Cocnte, [1971].
Card ID: 324