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AUDEN Wystan Rugh a:an william|k:it (william) (2)
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AUDEN, Wystan Rugh
Author: AUDEN (Wystan Rugh)
3irf AUDEN (Wystan Rugh) and ISHERWOOD (Christopher William Bradshaw.) The Ascent of F6: (a tragedy in two acts). (Secnd edition, sixth impression.) pp. 123. 8°. London, 1945. ZNf - (Tenth impression.) pp. 123. 8°. London, 1957.
Card ID: 448
Music Library C2 - C7 Reference only AUDEN (Wystan Rugh). [Sound Recordings.] See MAVIARAS (Stratis). tSound Recordings.] The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud and coninenting upon their works. TS. Eliot, John Berrymen, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, brisnne Zore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Eoethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost. Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras • Cassette . Cambridge, ss.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID: 431