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AUDEN Wys tan Hugh a:p |k:p (will) (3)



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    Author: AUDEN (Wys tan Hugh)


    3YP A92 969 AUDEN (Wys Tan Hugh). City without walls and other poems. pp. 124. TGL1At London, 1969. copy.]

    Card ID: 398

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    Author: AUDEN (Wys tan Hugh)


    / ‘I2NL AUDEN (Wys Tan Hugh). Homage to Olio. [Poems.] p. 91. 8°. London, 1960. [Another copy.] SLNC U8RAFi RFPEC OL . icj [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 403

  • card

    Author: AUDEN (Wys tan Hugh)


    YP A92 TD 964 AUDEN (Wys Tan Hugh). Poems. (A facsimile of the copy [of the firBt edition, 1928) In the George Efliston Collection of Twentieth—Century Poetry, University of Cincinnati.) [With a foreword by S.Spender.) r’p.37. 160. Cincinnati, 196L. No. 8 of 500 copies, reproduced from No.17 of the original edition, which contains ins • additions and corrections by the author and S.Spender.

    Card ID: 419