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AUCER Geoffrey a:s richard|k:s (richard) (3)
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AUCER, Geoffrey
Author: AUCER (Geoffrey)
T- 3 fC(cu cJ C!AUCER (Geoffrey). [Works. j The Poetical works of Geoff. Chaucer, . (Bell’s EditIon of the Poets of Great Britain.) 14 vols. Erait and £rontisoieces. 12 . Edinburgh, 1782—1.83]. Te frontispiece to vol. 13 is dated 17.87,. he ttiepags_a. all datid 172,. but Vols. -1,4 each a colophon dated 173.
Card ID: 15
YD3 Zac CflAUCER (Geoffrey). [nterbury 1.1es. - Appendix. I See ZAKER (Christian K..) Curiosity and pi1gringe: the literature of discovery in fourteenth-century iand. [Studies or Richard de Bury’s ‘Philobiblon’, Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury Tales0 and ‘Travels’.] Baltimore and Lcrndon, 1976.
Card ID: 123
ff• CI{AUCER (Geoffrey). [Appendix.] See MOR8EAC1 (Lorenz). Studien zur englischen Philologie, etc. 72. LIJEDEXE (henry). Die Funktionen dee Erz.h1ers in Chaucere episoher Dichtung. afle—on—the—Saa1e, 1928.
Card ID: 240