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ATKINSON Robert a:i robert|k:in (robert) (4)
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Author: ATKINSON (Robert)
ATKINSON (Robert), esor in t_jver.ity_Qf !)ub 1 in. See DUBLIN. Royal Irish AdFldemy. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Irish Manuscript Series. II.1.tRI bLok oLteAil hL.S The Three shafts of death, of...G.Keating. The Irish text, edited with glossary and appendix by R.Atkinson. oublin, 1890.
Card ID: 548
ATKINSON (Robert), ProfessOr in the UniversitY See DUBLIN. Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture Series. Vol.2. LEABHAR BRAC. The Passions and the homilies from Leabhar Breac. Text, translation and glossar4by R. Atkinson. Dublin, 1887.
Card ID: 549
p;r3phy 1i Room I __e ATKINSON (Robert), Profe3sor in the University of Dublin. LEINSTER. The Book of Leinster, sometime called the Book of Glendalough, a collection of pieces arose and verse) in the Irish language, compiled, in part, about the middle of the twelfth century. Now...published froth the original manuscript in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, by the Royal Irish Academy. With introduction, analysis of contents, and index, by R.Atkin. Dublin, 1880.
Card ID: 550
ATKINSON (Robert), PĀ±ofessor in the University of Dublin. See LONDON. [III. Lliseellaneous Institutions, Societies,etc.j Henry Brashaw Society. LPubiioations.J 13,14. The Irish Liber Hymnorum. ...R. Aticineon, etc. London, 1898.
Card ID: 551